About Dibleys Nurseries


Who We Are

We are one of the top houseplant nurseries in the country, specialising in Streptocarpus, Foliage Begonias and other rare and unusual houseplants.  


Rex Dibley started the Nursery in 1976 as a hobby and named it after the local village ‘Efenechtyd’. For some reason this name gave people some difficulty and was eventually changed to the slightly more pronounceable ‘Dibleys’. His son Gareth joined him in the business in 1984 after graduating from Reading University with a degree in Horticulture. Soon after, Rex retired from teaching to devote more time to the business. Gareth's sister Lynne and younger brother Paul have also joined the business, making it a true family affair. Sadly Rex passed away in 2024.

Image: Paul, Lynne and Gareth at our gold medal display at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2021

Alan Titchmarsh in the Express says...

'...few plants are so easy to fall for as streptocarpus. These endearing pot-plants look every bit as glamorous as orchids, but they are dead easy to grow....  Dibley’s are THE streptocarpus people.'

Michael Perry - Mr Plant Geek says...

I suggest you get yourself to the Dibleys website, quick steps!! Visit if you can; it's a magical place in the middle of the countryside - plus, the family garden next door to the glass house is well worth a visit too.

James Wong in The Guardian says...

For 'flowery indoor specimens, the massive range of African violets and Cape primroses at Dibleys is hard to beat.'
Constance Craig Smith in the Daily Mail says...
The company that's done more than any other to popularise houseplants in Britain is Dibleys in north Wales.
Alice Vincent in the Telegraph says...
Dibley’s [are] the UK’s go-to nursery for begonias and streptocarpus. The family company has been growing, selling and propagating new kinds of the subtropical and tropical plants from their glasshouses in Wales for decades.

Best Sellers

Why Choose Us

All our plants are propagated, grown and packed at our Welsh nursery.  Many of our plants have been bred here at the nursery too.
Winners of 33 RHS Gold Medals at the Chelsea Flower Show
Winners of over 200 RHS Gold Medals
Winners of Large Gold Medals at every National and International Garden Festival held in Britain
Winners of Gold and Large Gold Medals at every major Flower Show in the UK including BBC Gardeners' World Live, Hampton Court Flower Show, Tatton Park and Malvern Spring Shows
Dibleys also received the Royal Horticultural Sociey's Anthony Huxley Medal for the best display of tender plants in any RHS show throughout a whole year
In 2021 our display won ‘Best in Floral Marquee’ at the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival and the ‘RHS Williams Memorial Medal’
In 2007, Rex Dibley was awarded the Veitch Memorial Medal by the RHS, given to "persons of any nationality who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement and improvement of the science and practice of horticulture"
Dibleys Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Blue' won the inaugural Chelsea Plant of the Year 2010
Dibleys' Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Blue' was named as the RHS Chelsea Plant of the Decade (2010-20)
In 2016 Lynne Dibley was awarded the Reginald Cory Memorial Cup by the RHS for her hybridisation programme raising new streptocarpus of merit.
Dibleys named as RHS Master Grower in 2018
Many of the plants bred at Dibleys hold the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)

RHS Master Grower

Dibleys' were the Master Grower for RHS Flower Show Cardiff in 2018.  Watch 'as Lynne Dibley talks about the history of this specialist nursery, their success in expanding the business and how they keep their impact on nature to a minimum.'

...'flying the flag for British-grown indoor plants.' 

Our Green Credentials

  • We have installed 58 solar panels.

  • Our two large greenhouses are heated by locally sourced woodchip.

  • The water we use in our greenhouses is all collected from our greenhouse roofs.

  • We have moved over to using LED lights instead of fluorescent tubes.

  • We have planted many thousand native trees to form a shelter belt around the nursery.

  • Almost all our packaging is now bio-degradable, made from recycled material or recyclable.

  • We are moving towards being peat-free growers, but as we propagate all our own plants we currently struggle to find a suitable medium that is completely peat-free.

  • We do not import any of our plants from abroad therefore there are no air-miles to get plants to our nursery.

  • We currently have 2 electric vehicles.

  • We are currently moving to beige coloured pots which are kerb-side recyclable.

Earth Recycle