About Dibleys Nurseries
Who We Are
Alan Titchmarsh in the Express says...
Michael Perry - Mr Plant Geek says...
James Wong in The Guardian says...
Best Sellers
Why Choose Us
Winners of 33 RHS Gold Medals at the Chelsea Flower Show |
Winners of over 200 RHS Gold Medals |
Winners of Large Gold Medals at every National and International Garden Festival held in Britain |
Winners of Gold and Large Gold Medals at every major Flower Show in the UK including BBC Gardeners' World Live, Hampton Court Flower Show, Tatton Park and Malvern Spring Shows |
Dibleys also received the Royal Horticultural Sociey's Anthony Huxley Medal for the best display of tender plants in any RHS show throughout a whole year |
In 2021 our display won ‘Best in Floral Marquee’ at the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival and the ‘RHS Williams Memorial Medal’ |
In 2007, Rex Dibley was awarded the Veitch Memorial Medal by the RHS, given to "persons of any nationality who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement and improvement of the science and practice of horticulture" |
Dibleys Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Blue' won the inaugural Chelsea Plant of the Year 2010 |
Dibleys' Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Blue' was named as the RHS Chelsea Plant of the Decade (2010-20) |
In 2016 Lynne Dibley was awarded the Reginald Cory Memorial Cup by the RHS for her hybridisation programme raising new streptocarpus of merit. |
Dibleys named as RHS Master Grower in 2018 |
Many of the plants bred at Dibleys hold the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) |

RHS Master Grower
Our Green Credentials
We have installed 58 solar panels.
Our two large greenhouses are heated by locally sourced woodchip.
The water we use in our greenhouses is all collected from our greenhouse roofs.
We have moved over to using LED lights instead of fluorescent tubes.
We have planted many thousand native trees to form a shelter belt around the nursery.
Almost all our packaging is now bio-degradable, made from recycled material or recyclable.
We are moving towards being peat-free growers, but as we propagate all our own plants we currently struggle to find a suitable medium that is completely peat-free.
We do not import any of our plants from abroad therefore there are no air-miles to get plants to our nursery.
We currently have 2 electric vehicles.
We are currently moving to beige coloured pots which are kerb-side recyclable.